Friday, October 5, 2012

Watership Down

Today I start a new journey. Like the rabbits in Watership Down, I am forced from my comfortable hole in the ground out into the dangerous freedom of my own blog. I have posts on my work blog, but I really felt to be free to say what's really on mind, I had to lose all tethers and venture out on my own. Here I will talk about things I have experienced and thoughts about life as a Christian leader, growing up spiritually in a mega-church, and serving in many different areas, including efforts integrating the church at the neighborhood level (some obvious and some trojan horsed) so it functions 24/7 with and through God's people.

Excitement, boredom, passion, rage, empathy, resignation, laughter, sadness, celebration, exhaustion and euphoria have all been a part of it. So check back, but give up your right to be offended, join the conversation if you like, but be advised...